Top 10 films continued… 5-1

The growing suspense in anyone reading this is almost palpable. You've read numbers 10-6, and you are wondering, what could be in my top 5? What will I choose? What selection will I make? How will I pick? How many different ways can I phrase the same sentence? What day is it? WHAT YEAR?! (There's …

Continue reading Top 10 films continued… 5-1

The Girl, The Body & The Devil in the 1960s & 70s Horror Film – Part 3

The Woman as a Vessel “Where Satan is, in the world of horror, female genitals are likely to be nearby. The word vulva itself is related to valve, gate or entry to the body.”1 Women are universally seen as ‘carriers’, and thematically they are usually the vessels for possession by demons in film and fiction. …

Continue reading The Girl, The Body & The Devil in the 1960s & 70s Horror Film – Part 3

The Girl, The Body & The Devil in the 1960s & 70s Horror Film – Part 2

... The Uncanny Another theory, which can be applied to these films are Freud’s writings on “The Uncanny”. This term refers to something that is familiar and yet foreign at the same time, for example when people experience déjà vu. The word canny itself means “knowing” and so Uncanny means to be “unknowing”. This of …

Continue reading The Girl, The Body & The Devil in the 1960s & 70s Horror Film – Part 2

The Girl, The Body & The Devil in the 1960s & 70s Horror Film – Part 1

What follows is an edited version of my dissertation that I wrote around 10 years ago aged 21. It's a reflection of my thoughts at the time... though I've edited out some parts which are heavily conjectured! Truth be told I haven't changed much. Please comment with your thoughts 🙂 “Film, even from it’s silent …

Continue reading The Girl, The Body & The Devil in the 1960s & 70s Horror Film – Part 1